Saturday, October 31, 2009

Healthcare Reform

I have not posted for a long time, because (seriously) I did not remember where I had set up this blog, my first and only.

I'm wondering today what's going to happen with healthcare reform and the Medicare for All option. Some of the discussion we've been hearing/reading about includes concerns that healthcare will be "rationed" - does anyone who's had extensive experiences in the current healthcare system think that services are not rationed _now_ ? The difference is that these decisions are made arbitrarily, without much accountability, in the shadows so to speak. When the general public doesn't even know what services are needed and available, they don't know when they've been "rationed" based on the patient's age, gender, ethnicity, insurance status, or the M.D. or hospital's convenience, or when a referral has not been made to a provider or hospital with more specialized knowledge. The healthcare received by people in rural areas (my bailiwick) is very limited, and most often the patients don't even know what they're missing.